Sunday, November 7, 2010

Parts of Speach

Basic purpose is that students should be confident in their ability to recognize Parts of Speech in different forms after they have gone through this text on the subject.
Ø  Nouns
Ø  Adjectives
Ø  Verbs
Ø  Adverbs
Ø  Prepositions
Ø  Pronouns
Ø  conjunctions

Ø  NounsNouns are the words used to refer to people, objects, creatures, places, qualities and abstract ideas as if they were all things
Ø  Concrete nouns are the things that you can touch and see, e.g. a car, a pen etc.
Ø  Abstract nouns are ideas or concepts. They are the things you can’t see or touch like fear, kindness, hatred, truth etc. 
Ø  Collective noun is the special name given to a number of things, animals or people that are grouped together and spoken of as one whole like a band of musicians, a herd of cattle, a class of students.
Queus:   When you develop the ability to listen anything without losing your temper or self confidence,
Ø              It means you are Educated.
Ø  Ans:     ability
Ø               temper
Ø               confidence

Ø  Adjectives: These are the word used, typically with nouns, to provide more information about the ‘things’ referred to, e.g. happy people, stupid ideas, kind friends, faithful dog etc. Adjectives are mostly placed before the nouns, they describe, but they can be placed after verbs.
Ø  The rough stones on the shore hurt her feet.
Ø  The stones look rough and they might hurt her feet.
Ø  comfortable car is very expensive.
Ø  VERBS: Verbs  are words used to refer to various kinds of actions (e.g. run, jump) and states (e.g. be, seem) involving the ‘things’ in events.
Ø  The mason is repairing the wall.
Ø  MA in ELT will change your life.
Ø  He seems intelligent for the administrative job in the university.
Ø  considered him to be an excellent choice for the job.
Ø  They believed him to be reliable.
ADVERBS: These are words used to provide more information about the actions and events (slowly, suddenly). Some adverbs (really, very) are also used with adjectives to modify the information about ‘things’ (really large object, very brilliant idea).
Ø  People in Lahore drive angrily in traffic.
Ø  The wife completely forgot to serve dinner to her husband.
Ø  She made her husband really angry.
Ø  She felt very sorry for her behavior.
Ø  It is terribly cold today.
PREPOSITIONS: These are words (at, in, on, near, with, without) used with nouns in phrases providing information about time (at five o’clock, in the morning) , place (on the table, near the window) and other connections involving action and things.
Ø  We left university at 9.00 am, travelled by bus, with fellow students and reached the park near the highway.
Ø  He starts working without first giving a thought to the regular procedure.
Ø  What time did you arrive in the university.
Ø  She was cutting apples with the knife.
PRONOUNS: These are words (me, they, he, it etc) used in place of nouns typically referring to things already known.
POSSESSIVE PRONOUNSare things belonging to people, e.g. mine, yours, his, its, theirs, hers and ours.
INDEFINITE PRONOUNSdo not stand for any particular person, place or thing, e.g. anyone, someone.
DEOMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNSpoint out which one you are talking about, e.g. this, that, these.
RECIPROCAL PRONOUNStell you that each person in a group is doing the same thing to the other person, e.g. each other, one another.
PRONOUNS: Examples:
 John and his family went to the park and they spent the whole weekend by the lake.
Ø  The blue car in the parking lot is not mine.
Ø  Those are my books which they left on the table.
Ø  Somebody locked the class from outside when students were still in the room.
Ø  They congratulated each other on winning the match.
Ø  This is a masterpiece, it will last for years and everyone will admireit.
CONJUNCTIONS: These are special kind of connectors which help to join two clauses of a sentence, e.g. and, although, but, unless, as long as, in order to etc.
Ø  He kept preparing the presentation although he was tired.
Ø  I helped him because he was over burdened.
Ø  We plan to drive to Karachi as long as the weather stays fine.
Ø  He packed a first aid kit in order to be ready for any emergency.
Ø  We plan to leave on Saturday unless it rains.
Ø  Smoking is dangerous as well as making you smell bad.
Ø  Having one child makes you parent but having two makes you a ‘referee’.
Ø  Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right andthe other is always ‘husband’.

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